Talk about a time when you use the map IELTS Cue Cards | January to April Cue Cards 2024

Talk about a time when you use the map 

You should say:

» When it was?
» Why you use it?
» Was it difficult to use?
» And explain how you felt about it


Talk about a time when you use the map IELTS Cue Cards

An important experience with using a map was during a trip to Jaipur, India, a few months ago. It was my first time exploring the smart city in India, and I chose to navigate its circuitous streets armed with a trusty map.

When it was:
This adventure unfolded on a warm summer afternoon when I decided to venture beyond the known tourist spots and discover the lesser-known gems hidden in the fabric of the city.

Why did you use it:
The decision to use a map stemmed from my curiosity to explore amazing places and absorb the authentic essence of Jaipur. I took him the paper map of the city and set out to discover the secrets of the city streets.

Was it difficult to use:
Initially, using the map was a challenge. The complex network of streets and alleys seemed like a maze, and it took some effort to connect the map to the real environment. I encountered moments of confusion and wrong turns, which made me appreciate the art of map reading.

And explain how you felt about it:
Although it was difficult in the beginning, the use of the map made the adventure more exciting. It made the trip feel like a special mission, every new place we visited felt like a new part of the story. It made me feel proud when I got a chance to pass through places I didn't know about. The map was not just for directions, it was like having a friend with me, helping me explore and learn about the culture and history of Jaipur.

Consequently, the experience of using a map in Jaipur added a layer of excitement to my research. It taught me the importance of navigating independently, embracing challenges, and enjoying the joy of discovery. The map, which began as a guide, evolved into a memorable memory of a rich adventure, and the memories of that day in Jaipur are etched in my mind as a testament to the power of discovery.

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